Why does Fox News lie about it's post debate poll?
They're claiming Ron Paul supporters are spamming the poll,every time he wins the poll, when they know you can only text your vote once from a single phone.
FOX NEWS definitely has credibility problems.
Ron Paul won the poll with an overwhelming 33%, even with the few questions he was asked.
Sean Hannity lies about debate poll
I'm doing a poll on my site and Ron Paul is taking over... His online support is ridiculous.
Check out the disparity! http://trythis.com/ViewRequests.aspx?MatchRequestId=100104
I don't think it is a "crediability" issue. If it was, wouldn't they just lie about the outcome?
GEEZ!...you know you can send txt messages from websites too?!?! right!....I sent 12 myself last night to the poll...
They absolutely did NOT lie. He joked that Ron Paul must have his followers overwhelmingly voting, or something like that. It was a joke. If that is what you think of as a lie you are very biased.
If you voted from a website 12 times why didn't your candidate win.
Is it really surprising that Fox News lied to further their hidden agenda? Does this really surprise anyone? It's not a far-fetched conspiracy theory that Fox distorts the truth when they get caught every week.
It's always a joke
when they get caught or called on their lying.
Your not convincing me.
The only thing that is not credible is your spelling and grammar.
They absolutely did NOT lie. He joked that Ron Paul must have his followers overwhelmingly voting, or something like that. It was a joke. If that is what you think of as a lie you are very biased.
News stations aren't suppose to joke when it comes to reporting current events. Credibility certainly IS an issue here considering this is, in fact, a NEWS network.
I do know of a good joke though - you.
They did lie Hannity is trying to discredit results by saying Paul suppoters are spamming.
Maybe a few but not that many.
I'm sure that if there was spam, other candidates like Rudy or Mike had some spammers as well.
Paul supporters are passionate and on top of things.
They definitely understand what a liberal neocon for another 4 to 8 yrs means.
As well as a liberal Democrat.
It's a no-brainer this election for his supporters.
I say neocons should join this revolution to defeat Hillary.
Paul's followers do NOTHING but spam, which is why all the anti-Ron Paul folks are getting lambasted by these irrational zealots.
Sorry, but I'm opposed to effective anarchy
I couldn't care less about fox noise, however it must be said that it's trivial to spoof an sms message. The argument that only one vote per phone means it could not possibly be faked is technically inaccurate.
The whole vote via phone is a joke. I have five phone lines in my house. Does that count as one vote? No. I have about 10 email addresses that I could text through. Would that be one vote. No. I'm sure that no one would vote twice and spam it to push their cause. So accurate. NO!
It can be faked, but I am a Ron Paul Supporter, and I voted, not spammed, the majority of us don't know how to spam with text messages, and wouldn't want to. His support is real. I have seen it. It may be lagging behind with delegates and bushishts etc....but he has great support from the general public.
I figure the NeoCons of the Repub Party know he is a threat to their agenda, so they are doing everything in their power to marginalize him.
He still has my vote in primaries and really is the onlytrue conservative that can beat Hillary.
So ask yourself this if your a conservative, Hillary or Paul.
It's a no-brainer to me.
Hillary or Paul? I'd rather the American voters choose between Obama and Paul. Karl Rove is waiting in the wings to tank Hillary...just wait.
I think Fred Thompson can win. Who do you think will win the Republican nomination? Thompson, Giuliani, Romney, maybe Ron Paul? Vote today at http://www.pollicious.com
Fred Thompson is a watered down NeoCon for the Party, just in case hard core neocon Giuliani doesn't make the cut.
The NeoCons are scrambling to keep their pro- globlism, pro-war agenda on track with the plans of their Anti-Christ spirited One World Order.
Many of these NeoCons have been documented as worshiping satan at the Bohemian Grove in CA., so it doesn't suprise me they have this agenda.
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