October 19, 2007

NeoCons giving election to Hillary

NeoCons in their stubbornness to stay in Iraq are in essence handing over the election to Hillary in 08, by simply supporting Giuliani, the so called "Republican" who can't unite the party to bring victory.
If Giuliani is nominated, the old conservatives of Liberty and Constitutional Rule of Law will leave the party in droves, assuring a Hillary victory some have said.

My advice to the liberal NeoCons of the party is drop the one-issue politics and support a candidate who is pro-liberty and pro-constitution that reflects most of our principles instead of a few or very little and who can help us defeat the socialist that we all despise.

With a pro-liberty candidate we can stick to our principles of small government and at the same time defeat the socialist.
Please don't hand the Presidency over to Hillary just because we don't agree on the one issue of Iraqi police action and nation building.
We can stick to our core principles and win in 2008.

1 comment:

Eric Blair said...

Ron Paul is the only candidate who sees this country for what it is....a police state.

So if he is the only one with his eyes opened by God, then he is the ONLY logical choice for ALL registered voters no matter which side of the mafia we call a two party system you're on!
